Wednesday, October 27, 2010


when i was still working in padini, not too long ago, there was this man who came in to apply for a membership card. as he was applying, he asked me why does he have to fill in his race? and i couldn't agree more. what does it matter if he was either malay, chinese or indian? and this man was malay. you can tell that he's not one of those typical motherfuckers.

he started talking about this saying that they should stop asking us to fill in our race. we shouldn't be seen as a race, we are all malaysians. as he was talking, i said "they should do the same for our identification cards then" because we're catogorized as malay or non-malay. aren't we supposed to be fulfilling 1Malaysia? what does it matter if we're not malay? and i think it's bull that malays get priority in everything. they weren't the only ones who built this country.

i think the non-malays would gladly go back to "where they came from" cause we weren't born in malaysia. we didn't stay here our whole lives. we're just immigrants aren't we? fuckers. so long as our birth certificates says we were born here, we belong here.

you all can shove a dick down your throats and choke on it.

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